Friday, August 18, 2006

How to dance like a white guy.

Do you like going to clubs but feel inadequate after seeing all those white guys dance? Did you ever wish that you have some awful moves like the white dude next to you? Do you think you might not like stepping to the beat? Well then, this video is for you! This instrucional video will show you time tested moves like "The Point to The Lord", "The Cracker Squirm", "The Fat Rebel", and many more! Don't miss this opprotunity to be the most awful dancer you can be! Order now!Just listen to these testimonials:

* Before this video, I was jealouse of all the white guys in my school. But after watching it, now every White guy comes up to me and asks me where I learned all those rad moves! - Billy Bob, Texas

* This video made me the man I am today - Cooter, Alabama

* Without this video, my marriage woulda bin on the rox. My wife, who is also my first cousin, threatened me with divorce if I ever danced with rythm! Thanks How to Dance Like a White Guy, for saving my marriage! - Bo, Montana

1 comment:

Aman said...

i would have rather heard about that kiss you gave the waitress on your b'day... time for you to personalize the blog!