A lot of useless.....and some useful information
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
A window to the world
Thursday, December 28, 2006
First Venture into Astrophotography
On Thursday, Dec 28th night, I got the urge to take a photograph of the moon. So, I set up my digital SLR camera on the tripod and snapped away! For the picture, I sed an F-stop of f/8 and Exposure at 1/250. The first picture is the original snap. The second one is modified in Photoshop.



Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Dhoom 2 Trailer
Dhoom 2 Trailer. I figured if I was going to update the blog after such a long absence, might as well be with something that is sure to get your blood flowing and heart pumping and get you excited! Whach out for this movie coming out on 11/24/06. This movie is going to rock! |
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
The real question
Well guys, in a short 5 days it will be the 5th anniversary (is that the right word?) of 9/11. The question seems to be, these days, "where is baby Suri?!?" When the real question should be "Where the F is Bin Laden?!?!?" But I guess the daughter of a love-crazed Scientology-following celebrity and his partner are more important than finding the person who killed about 3,000 people.
It's funny how short our memories are. Sure, when the time is closer to 9/11 everyone is thinking of the attacks and where Bin Laden (BL) is and all that, but what happened to the rest of the 364 days since the last anniversary? How come the news stories are not reporting on the progress of the hunt for BL? Does this mean that our government is not looking for him? I don't know. I'm pretty sure they are. But how are we supposed to feel safe when we don't know what the heck is the progress on hunting him down?!
Just a few days ago, there was another "recruiting" video that was released over the internet. And then, as I was scouring CNN.com, I found an article buried at the bottom of the page on their section for World news (Link: In Pakistan, signs of al Qaeda all around). What the heck is something about Al Qaeda doing 4 levels down at the bottom of the page where people are less likely to notice it? Oh wait, maybe that is the reason it's buried that deep! And of course, after that article we have another one that rebutts it saying Bin Laden will be captured (Link: Pakistan: No bin Laden arrest deal).
5 years and the main person responsible is still not caught. Some of the people nabbed by London Police before they can bomb more planes were supposed to go to Pakistan to train (a sort of "How to be a Terrorist 101 for Dummies" camp). What was their reason for the visit to Pakistan? Did they say "Oh, I'm unhappy with the level of Terrorism I have in me. I need to be a better person and hence I'm going for training"? NO! Their reason was for visiting "family". They were visiting family, alright. A family of killers and cowards.
How dare these people sully the principle and teachings of Islam for their demented, selfish, fanatic ideals! How dare they use the name of religion to justify their bigotry and genocide! Religion by itself is pure and impartial, but in the hands of fanatics and politicians it is the most effective weapon. How many wars and skirmishes were waged in the name of religion! In the end, who pays the hefty price of these mis-directions? The bystanders and even more sad, the unbiased innocence of children and I don't think that anything is worth losing that innocence.
It's funny how short our memories are. Sure, when the time is closer to 9/11 everyone is thinking of the attacks and where Bin Laden (BL) is and all that, but what happened to the rest of the 364 days since the last anniversary? How come the news stories are not reporting on the progress of the hunt for BL? Does this mean that our government is not looking for him? I don't know. I'm pretty sure they are. But how are we supposed to feel safe when we don't know what the heck is the progress on hunting him down?!
Just a few days ago, there was another "recruiting" video that was released over the internet. And then, as I was scouring CNN.com, I found an article buried at the bottom of the page on their section for World news (Link: In Pakistan, signs of al Qaeda all around). What the heck is something about Al Qaeda doing 4 levels down at the bottom of the page where people are less likely to notice it? Oh wait, maybe that is the reason it's buried that deep! And of course, after that article we have another one that rebutts it saying Bin Laden will be captured (Link: Pakistan: No bin Laden arrest deal).
5 years and the main person responsible is still not caught. Some of the people nabbed by London Police before they can bomb more planes were supposed to go to Pakistan to train (a sort of "How to be a Terrorist 101 for Dummies" camp). What was their reason for the visit to Pakistan? Did they say "Oh, I'm unhappy with the level of Terrorism I have in me. I need to be a better person and hence I'm going for training"? NO! Their reason was for visiting "family". They were visiting family, alright. A family of killers and cowards.
How dare these people sully the principle and teachings of Islam for their demented, selfish, fanatic ideals! How dare they use the name of religion to justify their bigotry and genocide! Religion by itself is pure and impartial, but in the hands of fanatics and politicians it is the most effective weapon. How many wars and skirmishes were waged in the name of religion! In the end, who pays the hefty price of these mis-directions? The bystanders and even more sad, the unbiased innocence of children and I don't think that anything is worth losing that innocence.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
He is doing just what the wall says
Ran across this picture when I was browing the web today. I thought it was pretty funny! This picture is too perfect!

Saturday, August 26, 2006
Will you recycle?
There are about 2 billion cell phones being used around the globe today. When you think about it, there are about 6 Billion people on this earth, so that means 1/3 of the population of this planet have a cell [any ideas where the majority of the cell phones are ;)] and let's face it, we are not going to be using the same cell phone from start to finish. A lot of us like to switch our phones from time to time. And when we do switch, what is happening with the old phones? Are they being recycled? Well, some are. But others are sitting in our desks or garages or somewhere, doing no good! So, this brings us to the poll of the week:
Vote and let me know what you would do!
Vote and let me know what you would do!
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Happy 1st anniversary to Brian & Carla!!
Two of my best friends, Brian & Carla, tied the knot exactly one year ago today. Please join me in wishing this happy couple their very first anniversary!
I will post some pictures from their wedding day, but first a very brief history about this couple. I have known both of them for about a decade (gasp! has it been that long?). Brian and Carla have been together for about 8 years before they finally took the plunge and tied the knot. Well, at least for Brian it was a plunge ;) just kidding! Carla was like an eagle that just spotted her prey when she saw Brian. She zeroed right in! :) They met each other at our good friend Oleg's party. And the rest, as they say, is history. One thing led to another and it all culminated in Brian proposing to Carla and them tying the knot. Brian even picked out the engagement ring himself with no help from anyone else and I have to say, he did a fantastic job on the ring.
Carla, Brian, you are one of the few couples I have seen that are perfect for each other. When they say the wife and husband balance each other in a marriage, they must have been talking about you. I will always love you guys and keep hoping for nothing but happiness through out each and every day of your marriage. Thank you for letting me take part in your wedding ceremony. I am truly honored.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, some pics from the wedding.
Here is the church where the marriage took place.

Here is a picture of the Bride, Groom and their parents

Here is a pic from the outside of where the reception took place.

Picture of the tables being setup inside

A picture of the happy couple laughing their butts off! Check out Brian's newly polished grill. But first, a word of WARNING TO THE PILOTS: The light reflecting off this grill will blind you! Proceed with caution and make sure you have really dark shades!

Here's Brian saying "Aaaawwwww Yeeeaaahhh!! Finally we get to the adventure." Either that or he's just feeling "good" from all that champagne he just had.

Very high level of concentration

This picture reminds me of The Hokey Pokey "...Now put your right foot in, Your right foot out, Right foot in Then you shake it all about..."
"Alright, I think I got a hang of this....let's see...."

Now that they got though that, time to watch others.

Ladies and Gentlement, lastly but definitely not the least, the Bride and the Groom, the one and only, Carla and Brian

Doesn't she look just FANTASTIC?!
I will post some pictures from their wedding day, but first a very brief history about this couple. I have known both of them for about a decade (gasp! has it been that long?). Brian and Carla have been together for about 8 years before they finally took the plunge and tied the knot. Well, at least for Brian it was a plunge ;) just kidding! Carla was like an eagle that just spotted her prey when she saw Brian. She zeroed right in! :) They met each other at our good friend Oleg's party. And the rest, as they say, is history. One thing led to another and it all culminated in Brian proposing to Carla and them tying the knot. Brian even picked out the engagement ring himself with no help from anyone else and I have to say, he did a fantastic job on the ring.
Carla, Brian, you are one of the few couples I have seen that are perfect for each other. When they say the wife and husband balance each other in a marriage, they must have been talking about you. I will always love you guys and keep hoping for nothing but happiness through out each and every day of your marriage. Thank you for letting me take part in your wedding ceremony. I am truly honored.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, some pics from the wedding.
Here is the church where the marriage took place.

Here is a picture of the Bride, Groom and their parents

Here is a pic from the outside of where the reception took place.

Picture of the tables being setup inside

A picture of the happy couple laughing their butts off! Check out Brian's newly polished grill. But first, a word of WARNING TO THE PILOTS: The light reflecting off this grill will blind you! Proceed with caution and make sure you have really dark shades!

Here's Brian saying "Aaaawwwww Yeeeaaahhh!! Finally we get to the adventure." Either that or he's just feeling "good" from all that champagne he just had.

Very high level of concentration

This picture reminds me of The Hokey Pokey "...Now put your right foot in, Your right foot out, Right foot in Then you shake it all about..."
"Alright, I think I got a hang of this....let's see...."

Now that they got though that, time to watch others.

Ladies and Gentlement, lastly but definitely not the least, the Bride and the Groom, the one and only, Carla and Brian

Doesn't she look just FANTASTIC?!
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